Fukushima 3/16/2011 4:56:22 AM
News / Law

Radiation Exposure Threatens Some Japanese People

The levels of radiation are increasing in the areas around the Fukushima nuclear plant. Residents who live in a 19 mile (30km) radius of the plant are advised to leave the area or remain inside if they wish to stay. Radiation levels are being monitored closely around the plant as well as Tokyo which is 175 miles away from Fukushima. The radiation levels in the vicinity of the plant have reached levels that could risk the health of people residing in the vicinity and aid workers assisting with the cleanup.

                                The main risk of radiation exposure is contraction of thyroid cancer and to minimize these risks residents are being given iodine pills to protect the thyroid form taking in harmful radiation. Thyroid cancer is a preventable form of cancer and hopefully people in the region will be able to avoid exposure.

                                Along with the preventability of thyroid cancer certain types of lung cancers can be avoided. Some lung cancers are caused by cigarette smoking and environmental toxins. One preventable type of lung cancer is mesothelioma which attacks the lining of the lungs called the mesothelium. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to the airborne particles created by asbestos which is a material used in ceiling tiles and insulation present in many buildings. Asbestos was used up until the 80’s in numerous countries. People who work in building industries and shipyards could have been exposed to the toxicity of asbestos and may contract mesothelioma.