Seattle 3/17/2011 2:10:15 AM
News / Law

Americans Buy up Potassium Iodide Pills in Fear of Radiation Poisoning

The tragic radiation leaks playing out in Japan have compelled many Americans to buy Potassium Iodide pills. The iodide pills prevent the thyroid from in taking radiation. The thyroid is one of the most sensitive organs and very susceptible to radiation which can cause thyroid cancer. Though there are no risks of radiation exposure for Americans at the moment, many people in the country are fearful of exposure to radioactive elements as the watch events in Japan unfold. Experts are trying to assure the American public there is no risk but many are still buying up the iodide bills.

It is somewhat natural to fear accidental radiation poisoning but unnecessary at the moment. In the history of the US we have had one nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island, where there was a partial meltdown of one reactor in 1979. In that meltdown some people were accidentally poisoned. With the existence of over 140 nuclear reactors present in the US many people are panicked. They are worried we could face the same problems of Japan. When faced with accidental injury due to radiation poisoning people can seek the aid of an accident attorney to gain compensation for their suffering.

Though we aren’t at risk for radiation poisoning there are other dangers in the world where people are accidentally injured by another’s negligence. Products we use can cause injury if defective and an accident lawyer can aid the injured. Accident attorneys and our court system make people or businesses whose carelessness harm others pay for their mistakes.