Denver, CO 12/15/2008 11:15:20 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Alerts Readers of New Avandia Dangers for Women Taking the Type 2 Diabetes Drug, the number one legal resource available on the Internet, recently reported updated news on the Avandia information portal describing the drug’s alleged increase of bone fractures among women using the type 2 diabetes drugs. According to the results of a study on the drugs published in an online version of a Dec. 10 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, both Avandia (rosiglitazone) and Actos (pioglitazone), which are part of a group of diabetes prescription drugs known as thiazolidinediones, have allegedly caused a reduction of bone density in the hips and spines among women patients. Individuals who are consuming Avandia may want to speak with their physician about the potential Avandia side effects, especially women who are type 2 diabetics. Additionally, it is advisable for a patient consuming either drug to speak with a pharmaceutical attorney regarding the development of potential litigation such as a potential Avandia class action lawsuit. 

Avandia, from GlaxoSmithKline, was introduced to the market in May 1999, and has since been prescribed to millions of patients across the country. A news article published in the Washington Post on Dec. 10 estimates that approximately 4 million Americans currently consume some form of a thiazolidinediones, which includes Avandia.

According to news reports, the British analysis studied 10 clinical trials in which approximately 13,725 diabetics who consumed either Avandia, Actos or neither drug were studied with their bone density in their spine and hips measured. According to the research, 1 in 55 women with a "low risk for fractures" would likely experience a bone fracture while taking either drug. For those women at risk for bone fractures prior to consumption of Avandia or Actos, approximately 1 in every 21 woman would suffer a bone fracture, according to the results of the study published in the Washington Post. Women consuming either of the drugs may want to consult an attorney or an
Avandia lawyer, for example, someone specializing in either drug, who can provide a free legal consultation on the development of a potential Avandia lawsuit.

LegalView also provides a library of other legal information portals including the latest on Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, mesothelioma and additional pharmaceutical drugs including the Baxter Heparin controversy.

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) is a rare and debilitating condition that often effects movement of the joints as the skin begins to thicken and swell around the limb’s joints. While the condition has yet to have a determined cause, it has been linked to the administration of gadolinium dyes among kidney disease patients receiving magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic resonance angiography (MRI/MRA) procedures. Patients who suffer from this condition can learn about developing a potential
NSF lawsuit, which may result in the award of monetary compensation to pay for treatments of the disease’s side effects.

Similar to NSF is the rare and often untreatable mesothelioma cancer, which has been linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust. Individuals who have developed mesothelioma often suffer an uphill battle with the cancer’s side effects, the grim diagnosis and the expensive treatments. Victims of mesothelioma may want to speak with a
mesothelioma law firm to better understand how to improve their situation.

In addition to information on rare diseases and illnesses, LegalView offers a plethora of information on pharmaceutical controversies including that of the
Baxter Heparin recall. Heparin, from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, is a blood thinner that has been used during surgical procedures including heart surgery and dialysis. Earlier this year, hundreds of patients began reporting violent allergic reactions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the drug, which has since been recalled due to an alleged tainted batch that has sparked an international controversy. Patients who were affected by the scandal can learn more at

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