Boston 3/18/2011 4:24:36 AM
News / Law

St Patrick’s Day Honors Irish Immigrants

by Daun Lee

Every March 17, people throughout the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. In the US many cities celebrate by organizing parades, dying waterways and fountains green and of course consuming lots of beer, sometimes dyed green. We also wear green and affectionately pinch anyone not wearing the color that reminds us of the Emerald Isles. The shamrock, used by the saint for whom the holiday is named to teach Irish pagans about the Christian trinity, will be worn and is the most prevalent symbol. St Patrick’s Day is a beloved holiday for the many Irish descendants residing in America.

According to Wikipedia, 11.9 percent of the American population can trace their ancestry to Ireland. Annually, close to 200,000 people attain US citizenship aided by immigration lawyers. Though the majority of present day immigrants hail from Latin- America and China, periods of US history saw wave after wave of Irish immigrants especially in the late 1800’s and 1900’s.

The abundance of people and cities that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day attests to impact Irish heritage has made on our culture. Many other immigrants who migrate to the States with guidance from immigration attorneys also make a mark on the fabric of American culture. The diversity added to the US by the Irish and other immigrants enhance the country. Immigrants who wish to reside in the US can apply for citizenship with assistance of an immigration lawyer and become citizens of the melting pot by bringing their unique cultures and skills.