Tripoli 3/22/2011 4:32:42 AM
News / Law

Coalition Forces Pound Libya

by Daun Lee

For weeks the rebel forces in Libya have asked Western nations to help them in their efforts to defeat Gaddafi. The much contemplated decision came on Saturday, when a coalition of nations including France, Britain and the US among others with the UN’s approval, launched a decision to use force against the Libyan leader. The rebel forces couldn’t defeat Gaddafi’s military and were being beaten and killed. On Sunday, French Planes aided by the US began bombing the country in the effort to defeat Gaddafi. The attack was reported to have claimed civilian lives which is actually much less than the death toll incurred by Libyan forces against their own citizens.

The continued fighting in Libya and other countries in the Middle East may cause many of the citizens to flee those countries and become refugees. Many conflicts make life unsafe for citizens who don’t wish to be part of the violence. Obtaining asylum in safer countries like the US requires the assistance of immigration attorney’s. Although most people wish to stay in their homelands there are others who simply want safe and secure place to live.

Wars along with natural disasters always create refugees. The US allows thousands of refugees who are aided by immigration attorneys to apply for citizenship.  Persecution and violence inhibits the ability to lead a happy life. Continuous fighting tears at the emotions of some citizens and when assisted  by an immigration attorney the dispossessed in war ravaged countries can become citizens of the US.