Washington 3/22/2011 6:03:58 AM
News / Law

Defunding Planned Parenthood a Sign of Disrespect For Women?

by Daun Lee

The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood as an abortion provider has led many GOP members in the house to take funds away. These house members seem to forget that Planned Parenthood also provides reproductive care for uninsured and impoverished women. According to The Huffington Post most of Planned Parenthoods public funding goes to providing mammograms, pap smears and birth control for women. Only 15 percent of planned Parenthoods revenue comes from abortions

Fighting for reproductive rights has been a long struggle for women and for every triumph there are still setbacks. None of the major setbacks are in the workplace where statistics show that 40 to 60 percent of women are sexually harassed either by their peers or by superiors. In spite of the advances women have made in the workplace along with sexual harassment attorneys, the problem of harassment is still rampant. A large majority of women and men who have been sexually harassed do not even report the incidents.

Harassment can come in the form of offering raises or promotions in return for sexual favors, called quid pro quo harassment. Sexual harassment can also come in the form of sexual innuendos, jokes or references to body parts. Many women just take the abuse and feel as though it’s part of the territory but a sexual harassment lawyer will tell you differently. Respect form women come in the form of giving them control of their own bodies and eliminating harassment in the workplace. The hard work of sexual harassment attorneys have helped more women fell empowered.