Miami 3/23/2011 12:39:47 AM
News / Law

Aristide Returns to Haiti after Exile

by Daun Lee

Jean Bertrand Aristide returns to his homeland, Haiti after year 7 years of exile. The US urged the twice ousted President to wait until the Sunday elections are over fearing his presence will influence the results. Aristide was in exiled to South Africa and his return is welcomed by the people of Haiti who are still struggling with rebuilding after the earthquake ravaged the country last January. Haiti is experiencing a cholera outbreak and is still working toward normalization. Aristide can’t be a part of the political process of Haiti and says his return is to be and advocate for the poor.

The devastating earthquake killed over 80 thousand people and left millions homeless. The destruction caused many people to flee the country. Although many people remained after the big quake, natural disasters often cause people to seek citizenship in safer and more stable countries, aided by an immigration attorney. There are numerous countries which allow asylum to refugees of disasters and political unrest including the US.

The plight of refugees is a understood and the US a country with some of the most liberal immigration policies and allow thousands upon thousands of refugees along with immigration lawyers to apply for citizenship. After obtaining appropriate visas and meeting the requirements of refugee status the victim of political persecution or natural disaster can become citizens to safer countries, including the US. Immigration attorneys are necessary assistants to people who wish to migrate to America.