Philadelphia 3/23/2011 4:40:47 AM
News / Law

Accident and Injury Victims Have Better Survival Rates on Weekends

by Daun Lee

The next time you get into an accident or get injured try to do it on the weekend but we all know there is no way to control those particular circumstances. A study conducted in Pennsylvania, found that people who are injured between 6pm Friday evening and 9am Monday morning have a better survival rate in trauma centers than those who are hurt during the week. The main reasons cited by the study are that the blood banks aren’t pre-occupied by the needs of weekday procedures and the operating rooms are empty.

Unfortunately, we can’t dictate when we will be involved in an accident, generally caused by another’s negligence, or the type and severity of injuries we suffer; if we could we would never be hurt but accidents happen and the need for car accident lawyers is immense. So since we can’t dictate those circumstances a multitude of people are accidentally harmed throughout the country on an almost hourly basis. Those unintentional injuries can create a massive amount of debt that a car accident attorney is capable of recouping for the victim. Some injuries are mild but many others entail short-term or permanent disability and even worse death.

Those people injured by the carelessness of another deserve to be compensated for the suffering they endure. The skills and experience of a car accident lawyer can be the assurance that an injured person will receive a just settlement for their suffering and pain.