New York 3/23/2011 4:45:41 AM
News / Law

Hip Hop Artist Goes Ballistic on the Set of GMA

by Daun Lee

Rapper Chris Brown appeared on Good Morning America this morning to promote his new album F.A.M.E. In the interview conducted by co-anchor Robin Roberts began to question him about his domestic violence charges from two years ago. Back then he was charged with assaulting singer Rhianna who put out a restraining order that was recently relaxed so they could both appear on awards shows. In addition to the restraining order Brown was required to attend domestic violence awareness classes. After the interview, Brown went to his dressing room and broke a window as well as threw around furniture, frightening the staff of GMA.

It is obvious that Brown is still having issues controlling his temper which is a problem that people who commit acts of violence against their spouses and lovers. Domestic Violence is one of the many reasons a person decides to divorce a spouse and utilizes the vast experience of a divorce attorney. In the US alone over 10 million women and men are subjected to verbal, physical and emotional abuse inflicted by their spouses who have trouble controlling their tempers.

Involvement in an abusive relationship drives many people to court aided by competent divorce lawyers to dissolve the abusive and detrimental marriages. Seeking a divorce is hard for many of these abused spouses but knowing the violence will only escalate, as Chris Browns tantrum today proves, they have no choice but employ a divorce attorney to get them away from the violent spouse.