Hollywood, FL 3/24/2011 3:43:30 AM
News / Entertainment

Westboro Baptist Church to Protest at Elizabeth Taylor's Funeral

Controversial Church to Make Appearance at Taylor's Funeral

The Westboro Baptist Church, which is best known for its extreme and often controversial negative opinions about homosexuality, will be protesting at the funeral of recently deceased Elizabeth Taylor.

On Wednesday, Taylor passed away at the age of 79 from congestive heart failure. That same day, Margie Phelps, daughter of Westboro pastor Fred Phelps, posted the following messages on her Twitter account:

"Hello rebels! RIP Elizabeth Taylor is in hell as sure as you're reading this & getting mad as a wet hen. She should've obeyed God. Too late!"

"No RIP Elizabeth Taylor who spent her life in adultery and enabling proud [expletive]. They cuss her in hell today. #Westboro will picket funeral!"

"You brutes bellow RIP Elizabeth Taylor It’s not yours to give peace -it’s God’s. HE expressly declared no peace for wicked -only obedient,” and “Media mob & talking dead-heads will publicly lionize [expletive] #ElizabethTaylor & squeal like stuck pigs when #WBC pickets funeral."

Taylor was well-known for being a supporter of gay rights and an AIDS activist. Meanwhile, the Westboro Baptist Church is well known for having disturbed various funerals, including those of gay American soldiers, by protesting with anti-gay signs and slogans. The Church, which conists largely of members of Fred Phelps' family, is widely considered to be a hate group.

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