Damascus 3/26/2011 6:20:01 AM
News / Law

Security Forces in Syria Kill Protestors

by Daun Lee

The continuous upheavals in the Middle East are causing many citizens of these countries to lose their lives. In the past several weeks the Arab countries of Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and now Syria have seen their people hit the streets to protest the injustices committed by their countries leaders. The Libyan situation got so bad that NATO implemented a No Fly Zone and aided by the US began airstrikes to oust Gaddafi who killed over 10,000 of his own people. Syrian security forces have so far killed fifteen protestors since the uprisings began in their country a little over a week ago.

The citizens of these Arab countries are protesting against their corrupt leaders over a number of economic and political objections. Humanitarian agencies throughout the world are watching these various protests closely. In many democratic nations across the globe people have the right to protest without fearing for their lives. In the US, many people migrate to the country under the guidance of immigration attorneys because of the freedoms to assemble and speak out afford to its citizens.

When watching the humanitarian crimes committed by the leaders in these Middle Eastern, American citizens are reminded of the vast freedoms they have. The US allows refugees, people who are fleeing their native countries because they fear for their safety, to apply for citizenship which is easier when aided by an immigration lawyer. All humans in the world deserve to live in safety and immigration attorneys can help these people attain citizenship in a safer place.