Phoenix 3/26/2011 9:31:40 AM
News / Law

Data from Census Reveals our Growing Asian and Hispanic Population

by Daun Lee

Data from last year’s census is being evaluated and today the Census Bureau revealed that most the population growth comes from Hispanic and Asian demographic. The Hispanic population grew by 50 percent over the past ten years. The Asian demographic grew by double digits in the past decade. The growth of non-Hispanic whites has remained stagnant while the African-American growth holds steady. The Hispanic and Asian population growth is attributed to new births and people who have migrated to the US, assisted by immigration lawyers.

The Census Bureau believes that within the next thirty years non-Hispanic whites will become a minority in the US. The shared border with Mexico and the better economic opportunities available in the States annually draws thousands of migrant workers from Latin America who employ immigration lawyers. The demographic data shows that ethnic diversity in America is growing as more people from Asia and Latin-America continue to migrate and give birth.

The liberal immigration policies of America have always attracted immigrants from all over the world. The census data proves that the economic opportunities and freedoms enjoyed by American citizens haven’t gone unnoticed in the world and the diversity of our population will continue to grow. Well over 200 thousand people a year from Asian and Hispanic countries will seek citizenship to the United States guided by immigration lawyers further enhancing the ethnic diversity. A diverse population improves the skills of the nation by adding people to the population with new ideas and innovations.