Atlanta, Ga. 12/20/2008 1:53:31 AM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Investigation: Focus Turning to Meter Reader Who Discovered Remains

The Casey Anthony investigation seems to be shifting a bit of its focus to the meter reader who discovered the remains thought to be those of Caylee Anthony. It was the meter reader who called authorities and reported finding a plastic bag in a wooded area that contained a child’s skull and bones.


A wooded area located near the home of the grandparents of the missing girl had been searched by authorities on several occasions but it wasn’t until the water meter reader came across the plastic bag on Dec. 11 that anything was found.


It was revealed that the meter reader had previously called in three tips about the area prior to his Dec. discovery. On Aug. 11 he reported a bag by the side of a road, the following day he contacted a crime hotline and then on Aug. 13 he met with police at which time somebody was sent into the wooded area but nothing was found.


Despite the persistent calls by the meter reader and the fact he found the remains after the area had already been thoroughly searched detectives have said he is not a suspect.


Casey Anthony remains behind bar sat the Orange County Jail in Orlando and is facing first-degree murder charges for the suspected death of her 3-year-old daughter Caylee.


Caylee Anthony disappeared in June but Casey didn’t report her missing for more than a month. Investigators quickly focused on Casey and have gathered what appears to be a large amount of evidence that implicates the 22-year-old in the murder of her daughter. Casey is set to appear in court in March where she is facing first-degree murder charges.


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