Dallas 3/28/2011 10:23:04 PM
News / Law

FDA Abandons Plan to Ban Menthols

by Daun Lee

Major tobacco companies are victorious again as the FDA decides not to ban menthol cigarettes in the US. The ban on menthol cigarettes would improve public health but the FDA cites they are no more harmful than regular smokers. The real danger of menthol cigarettes lies in the fact the smokers have a harder time quitting and have higher relapse rates. About 30 percent of cigarette sales come from menthol smokers. Proposals to ban toxic substances come up often by FDA advisory panels, but this one of the rare instances that they ignored the panel’s recommendations.

Many toxic substances have been banned for use by either the EPA or the FDA but cigarettes despite their dangers and link to lung cancer cigarettes will be available for a long time. One toxic substance that causes a particularly debilitating type of lung cancer is asbestos. Mesothelioma attacks the lining of the lungs and other internal organs. Over three thousand people a year will contract the deadly cancer and with a mesothelioma lawyer can ask for compensation from funds set up to care for these patients who were exposed to asbestos.

Asbestos was widely used throughout the twentieth century in buildings and ships until finally being banned. Mesothelioma attorneys protect the rights and get of the many people who suffer from mesothelioma. In spite of being banned asbestos is still present in many structures so people can still contract mesothelioma but a mesothelioma lawyer can get them the money from funds set up to pay their medical costs.