Berlin 3/28/2011 10:29:13 PM
News / Law

Members of EU Demand Assessment of Nuclear Energy

by Daun Lee

The nuclear crisis which is ongoing in Japan has compelled members of the European Union to demand a reevaluation or exit from the use of nuclear energy. The Austrian Chancellor wants Europe to halt the use of nuclear power. The German Chancellor took seven of their oldest reactor offline to determine the safety of the older power plants and feels as though Europe should rely more on sustainable energy sources. France’s Prime Minister is resistant to changing their reliance on nuclear energy; they get 80 percent of their power from nuclear reactors. The controversy over nuclear power will continue to be an issue in the coming months.

The safety of nuclear power is being seriously examined as the people of Japan battle with their current crisis. Though there are obvious health concerns over exposure to radiation, the lobbyists for nuclear energy downplay its effects on people and the cancerous diseases that can be contracted from exposure may take years to manifest, much like mesothelioma. In the past other dangerous environmental carcinogens have been banned like asbestos and nuclear energy has become a contentious source of electricity.

People who were exposed to asbestos decades ago are now contracting mesothelioma, a very fatal type of cancer. These victims of asbestos exposure rely on mesothelioma lawyers to get compensation for their medical care. It took many years for asbestos to be taken out of the market. Mesothelioma Attorneys have helped many people who contracted the disease.