Washington 3/28/2011 10:51:42 PM
News / Law

Kaiser Family Foundation speaks About Healthcare Reform

by Daun Lee

The President of Kaiser Family Foundation spoke about the public’s understanding of the Healthcare Reform bills passed a year ago. Most of the American public remains confused about how the bills have benefited them. The major changes aren’t going to take place until 2014. Most citizens are completely confused about the bill and are concerned it does address the main problem which is the excessive cost of healthcare.

Even those who have insurance face extremely high medical bills and often find it nearly impossible to pay off these debts. In the US many people find themselves in a position where they are unable to pay their medical bills. Medical bills are one of the primary reasons people go bankrupt with the support of bankruptcy attorneys. An estimated 50 to 60 percent of bankruptcy filings can be attributed to medical costs. People with long-term medical issue may find they are unable to work and provide for themselves or family.

Being broke is a terrible position to be in, especially if it was caused by a disease or other injury. Many people feel powerless when dealing with medical debt. When you are unable to keep up with the amounting medical debt a bankruptcy lawyer can empower you with advice and answers. When it comes to deciding whether to get proper medical care or go into debt people shouldn’t have to choose money over their health. If  have taken care of your health and find yourself in financial trouble enlisting a bankruptcy attorney is a wise decision.