New York 3/29/2011 2:49:41 AM
News / Law

Deportations of Same-Sex Partners Delayed

by Daun Lee

Many states including New York, Maryland and in the DC area are delaying the deportation of illegal immigrants while the Defense of Marriage Act is reviewed. In New York an Argentinian woman, Monica Alcota, whose tourist visa has expired faces deportation, but will be allowed to stay with her partner Cristinia Ojedia who is a US citizen. The couple was married in Connecticut in 2010 and maintains that since they are legally married Alcota shouldn’t be deported. Their case is just one example of the many different instances occurring throughout the states.

For the time being the Obama administration has instructed the courts to uphold but not defend DOMA. Immigration officials in different states are delaying the deportation of domestic partners until the constitutionality of same-sex marriages. Illegal immigrants along with their immigration lawyers involved in domestic partnerships can challenge deportation and accelerate the immigration process if DOMA is overturned. People who have family members who reside in the US have an easier time gaining citizenship. Reunification with family members is one of the primary reasons immigrants come to the United States.

Besides joining family members people immigrate to the US for economic reasons and more freedoms. An immigration attorney is essential to the person who wishes to migrate to the US as they can outline the process. Although things are still rough for homosexuals in the states, there is a much more liberal viewpoint towards their lifestyles in many western nations making them more attractive places to live for homosexuals. People who need freedom to be who they are sexually can enlist an immigration attorney to gain citizenship.