New Orleans 3/29/2011 3:57:59 AM
News / Law

The Government Imposes Gag Order for Biologists Researching Dolphin Mortality in Gulf

by Daun Lee

Dolphin calves are dying at an alarming rate of the coasts of Alabama and Mississippi. So far this year over 81 dolphins of which 43 are calves have been discovered dead on the beaches of four Gulf States; Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. The majority of these dead calves are appearing in Mississippi and Alabama. The National Marine Fisheries Service contracted Marine Biologists to determine the causes of the alarming dolphin mortality rate.

The biologists collected tissue samples and specimens in order to find the cause of the unusual mortality event. The scientists were ordered to keep their results confidential and were forced to surrender their specimens to the federal government. Because the results of the dolphin study are enfolded in a criminal investigation against BP for last year’s catastrophic oil spill all biologists have been ordered to keep their results quiet.

For those biologists that have spoken about the dolphin die off, they have been rebuked by the Feds. Since the last summer’s oil spill, over 290 dolphins have died off the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. March marks the month that dolphins begin their birthing season, and it is Iikely that more dolphin calves will die. The President for the National Wildlife Federation, Dr. Doug Inkley believes people have the right to know the results of the mortality study. It could be many years before people know the devastating impact the oil spill has had on the marine life in the gulf region.

 Too bad dolphins can't hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer