Nashville 3/29/2011 10:25:48 AM
News / Law

Willie Nelson Will Sing his Way out of Pot Charges

by Daun Lee

Willie Nelson is a country singer, infamous for his love of marijuana. He was charged for having six ounces of pot on his tour bus last November at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas. Although the singer has been charged with possession before, he has a chance to beat the charges from last fall. For this possession charges Willie faces up to 18 months in jail and a 2,000 dollar fine. The prosecutor has agreed to reduce the fine if Willie will sing “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” in the courtroom, but the judge has the final say.

The driver of Willie’s bus was not intoxicated while he was driving. Many people however, get behind the wheel while intoxicated on marijuana, prescription drugs and alcohol and if they are caught a DUI lawyer becomes a necessity. A large number of people in the US smoke marijuana but isn’t as prevalent as alcohol consumption. Because traffic collisions created by drunk drivers are the overwhelming majority of accidents that cause harm or fatality, the courts treat these drivers very harshly.

Drunken and drugged drivers often face jail time and the loss of their driver’s license, but with the aid of a DUI lawyer some of the penalties can be avoided. Most people who are charged with a DUI don’t have the notoriety to sing themselves out of jail so a DUI lawyer is needed for an adequate defense.