Los Angeles 12/22/2008 3:33:25 AM
News / Law

Liberty Purists Now Summoned To Duty To Invigorate The Electorate.

Liberty Publisher launches an e-book calling liberty enthusiasts to duty in showing the electorate how to regain their Independence from our servants.

Liberty Publisher and platform veteran John Longenecker has released an e-book guide for fellow liberty purists to invigorate the electorate in a more-than-grassroots movement. Longenecker believes that an purist's authentic fundamental understanding of Original Intent goes a long way in motivating the rest of America's electorate to put their foot down, and that the best qualified to inspire the electorate are those who had been issuing warnings of our very situation over decades. These so-called Preparedness Nuts or Constitution Nuts are the ones to point the way home.

"What makes the recovery more than grassroots is the self-imposed follow-through the electorate may agree is necessary if we are to regain our independence from our own servants," says Longenecker. "Too many sacrifices of our sovereignty have been asked from us for ineffective programs. Our solution is that we make the next call on this and are willing to follow through with only one sacrifice from now on, namely the time and involvement of oversight."

Tens of millions had a stunning awakening in 2007 and 2008, reports Longenecker, with the realization that our government is way, way too big. And for what? The feeling that we've been had again is universal. So is the question of what to do about it. The Purists have a simple answer, showing how and where the answer has been in the hands of the people all along. For hundreds of issues vexing America, the answer is the same.

A new kind of thought leadership and grounding is needed to articulate the two solutions to nearly every political issue we face. Longenecker believes that there is no problem anywhere in the world that cannot be solved in Liberty better than under any other system. Certainly, ours can follow that formula again.

The e-book is titled Creating Your Own Liberty Platform 2009, and it summons individuals who understand our authority and sovereignty to join the new media for all to regain Independence from servants.

See www.LibertyNut.com


Creating Your Own LIberty Platform 2009 - Calling All Liberty Purists As The New Thought Leaders For Independence.