Fort Meyers 3/30/2011 4:09:37 AM
News / Law

17 Year-Old Florida Honor Student Pistol-Whips Her Mother and Holds Gun To Her Head So She Will Co-Sign Car Loan

              Florida Honor Student On Fast Track To The Big House!

 Rachel Anne Hachero, 17, allegedly put a gun to her own mother's head because she wanted a used car.






Rachel Anne Hachero, 17, an Ivy League-bound teenage honor student who wanted a new car, pistol-whipped her mother and pointed a gun at her head when she refused to buy the ride, authorities said.

The demented teen had demanded her mother co-sign for a used Nissan 305Z and threatened to whack her when she said no, according to Police. The next day, Hachero came home with a 9 mm pistol , hit her mother on the head with it and put the barrel to her temple, insisting they go to the dealership together.

With the gun in her purse, Hachero drove her mother to the lot in Fort Myers, Fla., where she agreed to sign for the car.

Hachero, was an explanatory honor student at a prestigious local high school and had been written up in the local papers for her exemplary record as a student.

According to school officials, she had been accepted to several Ivy League schools on scholarship.

Hachero's mother later searched her daughter's purse and discovered the gun alongside drugs and paraphernalia and called 911, authorities said.

When she was arrested Thursday, police determined the gun had been stolen from a port authority employee's house.

Hachero's mother declined to press charges, but deputies arrested her anyway and she was placed in juvenile detention.


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