Atlanta, Ga. 12/23/2008 1:36:01 AM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Investigation: Jesse Grund, Anthony’s Former Fiancé, Interviewed on NBC’s TODAY

Jesse Grund, the former fiancé of Casey Anthony, appeared on NBC’s TODAY show on Monday morning and spoke with Matt Lauer about his relationship with the 22-year-old mother accused of killing her three-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony.


Grund told Lauer the discovery of Caylee Anthony’s skeletal remains last week was devastating. Speaking about Caylee he told Lauer, “She lit up your life, from the time she was a little baby, from the time she was a toddler. She was full of life as a little baby. She bounced around in her chair, watching ‘Baby Einstein.’ We went to theme parks, and she loved the characters; she loved being around family.”


While Grund was not Caylee’s father he told Lauer that he treated her as such. He then told Lauer that Casey had been a very good mother while Caylee was a baby but as she became older Casey’s behavior changed.


Grund spoke about how Casey’s focus went from Caylee as the central point of her life to Caylee as a burden. Lauer then asked Grund if Casey seemed like the type of person capable of murdering her daughter and he responded by saying “the Casey I knew is not capable of this,” but he went also said “I don’t know what this Casey is capable of.”


Casey Anthony stands accused of first-degree murder but has denied any involvement in her daughter’s death. Caylee Anthony disappeared in June but Casey didn’t report her missing for more than a month. She told investigators that she had dropped Caylee off with a babysitter and when she returned both were gone.


Investigators have dismissed her account and have gathered evidence indicating that Casey was involved in Caylee’s death. Casey is scheduled to go on trial in March.


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