Tripoli 3/31/2011 2:28:40 AM
News / Law

Gaddafi May Seek Asylum in Uganda

by Daun Lee

The Libyan leader, Gaddafi, and his family can go into exile if he acts quickly on the offer presented by the US, Britain and Qatar along with other nations, according to Reuters. He would have to find a nation that will allow him exile and Uganda has publicly stated, to the Associated Press, that they would consider the Libyan Leader, like they do any other person seeking asylum. Gaddafi’s contributions helped build the largest Mosque in Uganda, and President Museveni admires his Muammar’s sense of nationalism, as cited by Reuters. At the time of this writing Gaddafi has not expressed whether he will seek asylum or remain in Libya.

The NATO nations involved in the Libyan conflict are trying to end the six weeks of violence that has ravaged the country. If Gaddafi accepts exile he will become a refugee, which is recognized by the United Nations and the US as a person who migrates from their native land due to political unrest or persecution. Immigration for refugees can be a long and difficult process which could benefit from the employ of an immigration attorney.

Gaddafi would most likely find it difficult to seek asylum in many nations. According to Wikipedia the US grants asylum to more refugees than any other nation. Over one tenth of immigrants to the US are refugees who may have been assisted by an immigration lawyer. Understanding the laws regarding immigration and asylum are complex and migrated would be easier on a person with an experienced immigration attorney.