New York 3/31/2011 3:43:04 AM
News / Law

Satellite Installers Denied Overtime Pay May Have Legal Recourse

Satellite installers who were denied overtime pay may have legal recourse. In general, satellite installers are entitled to overtime pay when working more than 40 hours in a single workweek, and when wrongfully denied their right to premium pay, may be able to file a claim for unpaid overtime wages. There is a time limit, however, for filing unpaid overtime claims, so satellite installers who were denied time-and-a-half pay should seek legal assistance as soon as possible. If you were denied overtime pay after working more than 40 hours a week as a satellite installer, visit and complete the immediate case review form for a no cost, no obligation review of your claim. 

Overtime violations can occur in any industry, and those working in satellite installation are not immune from these illegal wage and hour practices. Common overtime violations affecting satellite installers include providing compensation on a per task basis to avoid paying overtime; failing to compensate travel time between job sites; and misclassifying satellite installers as independent contractors, a class of employees ineligible to collect overtime pay. Should a satellite installer be subjected to a violation of overtime law, they may be able to file a claim against their employer to recover up to three years of unpaid overtime wages.

Employers are prohibited by federal overtime law from retaliating against an employee simply because they have exercised their legal rights. Therefore, if you’ve been denied overtime pay as a satellite installer, do not hesitate to take advantage of the free overtime case review being offered at IQ The overtime attorneys working with the site are providing this case evaluation at no cost and remain dedicated to protecting the rights of satellite installers and other employees who were wrongfully denied overtime pay. 

About IQ Overtime was established to provide legal help and information for workers who have been denied overtime compensation. Comprehensive resources for workers are available on this site, including informational articles, an overtime calculator, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of state overtime laws. If you have been denied overtime pay, get the legal help you need today. Visit and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.