Oceanside, CA 12/23/2008 4:02:34 AM
News / Education

Teacher Development is Priority One at Education Company

Teacher workshops to enhance teacher development is the best path to improving student achievement for Quantum Learning Network

Teacher development is the key to increasing student achievement at Quantum Learning Network, a world leader in accelerated learning training and methodologies.

QLN has impacted over four million students primarily by training teachers in the company's Quantum Learning methods. To date, over 40,000 teachers have learned the why and the how for creating more engaging classrooms and more motivated students through the company's Quantum Teaching strategies and tactics.

The primary vehicles for training teachers are one- to five-day Quantum Learning for Teachers programs and teacher workshops. This professional staff development training, which takes place at QLN's Oceanside, California headquarters and at schools nationwide, provide teachers with specific tactics they can use in their classrooms to establish a positive learning environment.

The company also reaches students directly through a number of Quantum Learning for Students programs that are customized to a school district's specific needs, from helping schools with students from low-income households close the achievement gap and reduce the drop-out rate to helping teachers prepare their students for mandatory state testing in specific subject areas such as math and at various grade levels.

QLN also positively impacts students through its 10-day academic summer camps called SuperCamp, in which over 50,000 students have graduated since 1982.

More information on QLN's teacher workshops, other professional staff development programs and its academic summer camps can be found at www.QLN.com or by calling 800-285-3276.