Los Angeles 12/23/2008 6:54:53 AM
News / People

Spirit Of Reagan Lives On In The New Liberty Nuts Mission.

Retaking our own Independence from our own servants should be the number one movement in 2009.

Could one movement be key to reducing all other crises in America? Veteran platformer John Longenecker believes one movement can regain our Independence from our own servants.

"Though we won’t find another Ronald Reagan to put into office," observes author, blogger and publisher John Longenecker, "We can see the spirit of Reagan in the involvement of liberty purists who will platform their liberty knowledge for the rest of the electorate to invoke in awareness of their sovereign authority."

There are thousands of Americans who understand their sovereignty better than our servants do, notes Longenecker. "Call muster on these and you can inspire and invigorate the electorate with a whole new level of connectivity."

And that’s precisely what Longenecker is doing. He’s made an e-book available to these purists he affectionately calls Liberty Nuts, and for the cost, he will even follow up with free platforming coaching and consulting if they need it. Creating Your Own Liberty Platform 2009 - Calling All Liberty Nuts As The New Thought Leaders To Regain Our Independence.

Over the years, Longenecker’s colleagues were castigated as Preparedness Nuts, Gun Nuts, Constitution Nuts, but with disaster management going sideways and so many forecasts and fears coming true in 2007 and 2008, it soon became clear that these adherents weren’t so eccentric after all. Now, Longenecker mocks the critics and summons all Liberty Nuts to a whole new duty of inspiring the electorate in a more-than-grassroots movement.

Was President Reagan wild about liberty? Did he understand liberty better than most of our servants do? Under the present circumstances, it’s more than likely that many understand liberty better than our servants do.

"Constituents are experiencing what our Founders experienced," Longenecker observes, "and the solution won’t come from our servants any more than it did then. The Liberty Purists who know what sovereignty and Independence are all about will platform to a whole new niche waiting for them."

More to come.
