British Columbia 3/27/2006 1:45:24 AM
News / Politics

Docs Want To Shock Elderly Man

Most patients are given a total of six to 12 shocks, one a day, three times a week.

Penticton - Psychiatrists at the Penticton Regional Hospital in Penticton British Columbia want to give a 74 year old man electric shock because he refuses to eat. Ms. Carol Petrunia, the elderly man's daughter, told hospital officials in no uncertain terms, not to perform this barbaric practice on her father. Her father, who was involuntarily committed, has also refused to be shocked.  

Ms. Petrunia has also appealed to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a psychiatric watchdog group established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights. A letter has been sent by CCHR to the attending hospital psychiatrist which reiterates Ms. Petrunia's concerns.

A staggering 46 thousand electroshocks have been given to British Columbians by psychiatrists in the past 5 years, almost doubling the amount delivered in the previous 5 years and totaling $3,143,536 taxpayer dollars in their pockets.   The number of shocks peaked in the year 2000 when psychiatrists got a pay increase to $70.66 each time they pulled the switch.

1. The patient is injected with an anesthetic to block out pain and a muscle relaxant to shut down muscular activity and prevent spinal fractures.

2. Electrodes are placed on the temples bilaterally (from one side of the brain to the other) or unilaterally (front to back on one side of the brain).

3. A rubber gag is placed in the mouth to keep teeth from breaking or patients from biting their tongues.

4. Between 180 and 480 volts of electricity are sent searing through the brain.

5. To meet the brain's demand for oxygen, blood flow to the brain can increase as much as 400%. Blood pressure can increase 200%. Under normal conditions, the brain uses a blood-brain barrier to keep itself healthy against harmful toxins and foreign substances. With electroshock, harmful substances "leak" from blood vessels into the brain tissue, causing swelling. Nerve cells die. Cellular activity is altered. The physiology of the brain is altered.

6. The results are memory loss, confusion, loss of space and time orientation and even death.

7. Most patients are given a total of six to 12 shocks, one a day, three times a week.

Ask the foremost psychiatrists and they have no explanation as to why or how their "treatment" works. It is literally as scientific as sticking one's head in a light socket. Do it often enough and you will become disoriented, confused, lose your memory or even die. Same result as ECT—but it will cost you a lot less.

Currently, According to Medical Services Plan, over 10,000 electro-shocks are being given to people by psychiatrists every year in British Columbia alone.

Electro Shock, which is on the rise in British Columbia, is being done weekly on a regular basis in every psychiatric hospital and every general hospital with a psychiatric ward including the Penticton Regional Hospital where it is administered to many individuals three times a week.

Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of CCHR said, " Never have incidents of psychiatric injustice been more evident than in the mental health field where laws have empowered psychiatrists to seize people and, without trial, not only deprive them of their liberty, but commit abusive acts upon them. Committed by anyone else in society, these acts would result in charges of false imprisonment, assault and even rape. People need to know their rights when faced with abuse such as this and CCHR is here to help them."

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights.   For more information and a complete list of recent government inquiries go to www.

If you have been damaged by psychiatric "treatment" please call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1 800 670 2247