Staten Island 4/1/2011 2:51:30 AM
News / Law

Staten Island Youth Charged of Hate Crime

by Daun Lee

According to the New York Post, Staten Island authorities arrested a 12 year old for hate crime. Osman Daramay is accused of tearing off the veil and hitting a 13 year old classmate. Osman and a female accomplice yelled at the girl asking “Are you a Muslim?, which prompted the police to charge the bit with a hate crime. Osman’s father stated the boy’s mother is Muslim and is perplexed by the hate crime charge. Osman emigrated from Sierra Leone in 2004 and has had problems in school.

Staff at the school state that Osman has disciplinary problems and has previously terrorized other classmates but was given in school suspension. Assimilation into a new culture can be difficult for immigrants and their children but there is no evidence which states this contributed to Osman’s behavioral problems. Muslims sometimes face discrimination in our country but still chose to emigrate, fearing for their safety in their native countries.

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