New York 4/1/2011 3:07:30 AM
News / Law

Technical Support, IT Workers Denied Overtime May Be Able to Collect Back Overtime Pay

Technical support employees and IT workers who were denied overtime pay may have legal recourse. A vast majority of technical support workers are entitled to overtime pay and may be able to file a claim for unpaid overtime wages when wrongfully denied their right to this premium compensation. If you have been denied overtime pay as an IT employee or technical support worker, find out if you are owed back overtime wages. Visit and fill out the immediate case review form for a no cost, no obligation evaluation of your claim. 

The information technology field encompasses a wide range of occupations, with a large number of these employees being entitled to overtime pay. Generally, technical support and IT employees are entitled to overtime pay if they spend the majority of their time performing any combination of the following: troubleshooting network and user accounts; creating network logins; analyzing and resolving difficult problems with hardware, networking and applications; and installing, configuring or testing new applications, hardware, applications and computers. This range of job duties may apply to a number of workers, including system engineers, IT analysts, and IT help desk employees. 

Employees working as system administrators, network engineers and other IT positions should keep in mind that job duties determine whether they are entitled to overtime pay. Simply being paid on a salary basis or holding a certain job title is not enough to disqualify an IT or technical support employee from overtime pay. To learn more about your rights under overtime law as a technical support or IT worker, visit IQ today. Employees can also receive a free case review on the site to find out if they can recover up to three years of back overtime pay through an unpaid overtime lawsuit.  

About IQ Overtime was established to provide legal help and information for workers who have been denied overtime compensation. Comprehensive resources for workers are available on this site, including informational articles, an overtime calculator, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of state overtime laws. If you have been denied overtime pay, get the legal help you need today. Visit and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.