New Orleans 4/1/2011 11:35:55 PM
News / Law

Jazz Fest Honors Legend Miles Davis

by Daun Lee

Mile Davis was hugely influential on the world of music during his career. The Jazz Festival gets underway in Chicago today and will continue through April 16th. Jazz master Nicholas Payton will be honoring Miles through his version of “Bitches’ Brew”, one of Miles’ most infamous pieces. Erin Davis who is Mile’s son will also be appearing in the festival.

Though Miles had a wonderful career there were periods of his life that he suffered from drug and sex addictions. Jazz music in the distant past was associated with a variety of substances like marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Many a jazz legend has fallen prey to addiction. Cab Calloway sang the laurels of marijuana.

Addiction can be a serious problem that often leads the alcoholic of drug addict straight into jail, usually from a DUI. Driving under the influence is serious business and a DUI attorney becomes an important ally in court. Most DUIs come from alcohol consumption but the use of prescription drugs is increasing leading to drugged driving. To the police and courts the substance that one is intoxicated by is of little consequence, driving under the influence will cause you lots of trouble only a DUI lawyer can minimize. People charged with DUI face time in jail, the loss of their driving privileges and many dollars’ worth of fines. A competent DUI attorney will be your best bet when dealing with judges and police.