Helena 4/2/2011 12:25:18 AM
News / Law

Montana Representative Opposes DUI Laws

by Daun Lee

State Representative Alan Hale spoke out opposing a new DUI bill for Montana. Hale, who owns a bar, says the laws “destroy a way of life” along with all other DUI laws. He and 12 other representatives voted against a law which would allow the courts to examine DUI charges going back 10 years, according to USA Today. Montana attorney general Steven Bullock said that increased enforcement has reduced DUI fatalities by 40 percent so far this year.

Rep. Hale cites that pubs and bars are important to rural Montana communities because they provide a place for friends and families to meet. Yes, bars and pubs do allow for friends and families to meet however drunk driving can lead to the death or harm of a loved one if involved in an impaired driving charge. Getting and DUI requires representation of a DUI lawyer, especially if the person is a repeat offender. Until this bill was passed, the court could only look back through five years of a person’s drunken driving records.

Between 10,000 and 15,000 people lose their lives in drunken driving collisions on an annual basis and this statistic has made lawmakers get tougher on DUI offenders. The smart thing to do is to sober up before you drive or designate a driver. Many people however don’t do this and they get a charge that requires a DUI attorney. Tough penalties and fines are levied on people who get DUI fines but a DUI Lawyer may provide a good defense.