Phoenix 4/2/2011 4:15:16 AM
News / Law

Arizona Governor Contemplates Fines for the Obese

by Daun Lee

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has suggested that people who are fat or smoke should face a fine if they don’t meet goals to eliminate unhealthy habits. The new proposal would directly target childless adults receiving Medicaid funds and levy them with a fifty dollar annual fine to offset those costs in her state. If approved the fines could be put into effect by October 1st, according to ABC news.

There is no doubt that obesity is a problem in America. Losing weight is a matter of adopting sensible eating habits and regular physical activities. There are some people that have health issues that make weight loss and maintenance difficult. Many other people just eat too much.

When a person does apply discipline in their lives and begin to shed those extra pounds they can still be unhappy with the way they look. Extra fat sometimes sits on the hips, stomach and buttocks even with lots of exercise.  When those problem areas can’t be trimmed liposuction offers a viable solution, though it can’t be employed by the severely obese.

Liposuction can however help people who have just a little extra weight they would like to be rid of. Following an appropriate diet and fitness program can help but isn’t always effective for everyone. Sometimes the body just holds onto fat. Liposuction has helped many men and women trim and sculpt areas of their bodies that cause discontent despite their best efforts.