Los Angeles 12/24/2008 11:21:47 PM
News / Education

How-To e-book Spells It Out For Liberty Nuts To Regain Independence From Our Servants.

Liberty Platform veteran shows how a more-than-grassroots movement of liberty purists can regain Independence from our servants.

"We may live and die in freedom," says blogger, author and publisher John Longenecker, "but no one needs liberty more than the next generation. Their future Independence is decided here and now - or not - just as certainly as our liberty was secured for us by our last generation. Now, our own liberty is evaporating before our very eyes, and we can foresee the fate of our kids in a life without freedom."

"Of all the purists who understand Independence, those willing to platform their knowledge to invigorate the electorate hold a piece of a mosaic whose completed picture is Independence from our own servants," explains Longenecker. "Each Purist is an expert at something on Independence, and this becomes a force to be reckoned with in how liberty solves problems better than any other system can."

Liberty purists know that many pundits preach to the choir: Creating Your Own Liberty Platform summons the choir itself in a more-than-grassroots movement to sanctuary for the electorate looking not only to comprehend what is happening, but also what to do about it in due process and an important follow-through.

"2007 and 2008 saw a huge defiance of citizen sovereignty and due process," says Longenecker, "Tens of millions are frightened by precisely what the liberty nuts had forecast and which had earned them the sneer of being Nuts. [see LibertyNut.com for what a Liberty Nut is.] The Preparedness Nuts, the Constitution Nuts, the Sovereignty Nuts all saw it coming.

Creating Your Own Liberty Platform is available electronically publisher-direct from CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS (website is LibertyNut.com). It includes free platforming coaching and consulting.

The value of the liberty nuts is in knowing the way home on their knowledge base of citizen authority. One of their secrets to the movement is not in how officials understand our sovereignty, but in how we, the Sovereign, understand it, and why this is so. His How-to book puts liberty purist and electorate together on a whole new level to regain Independence from our own servants. 

More to come.
