Denver, CO 12/25/2008 1:19:42 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Updates its Baxter Heparin Information Portal with Conflicting News Reports on the Possible Dangers, the number one legal resource available on the Internet, recently used its Baxter heparin information portal to report on additional controversy plaguing patients of the blood thinner. According to news reports, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas has claimed that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given conflicting reports on the blood thinner, which is often given to prevent blood clots during surgical procedures including heart failure and kidney transplants, saying the drug was both responsible and not responsible for deaths of Americans. Rep. Barton has called for a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation into the FDA's remarks on the blood thinner.

Baxter Heparin has been at the center of a controversy this year as it was discovered that a tainted batch of heparin was given to hundreds of Americans causing allergic reactions and deaths among dozens of patients, according to news reports. The tainted heparin was eventually found to have been contaminated with a chemical known as over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate in a Chinese manufacturing plant. Not only was a heparin recall implemented, but an investigation spanning international borders was developed. A New England Journal of Medicine article from Dec. 3 claimed that the blood thinner could not have caused the deaths of several individuals, however this contradicted the FDA's previous remarks in May, which claimed that the drug was responsible for the deaths of patients, according to Dow Jones news reports.

Patients who have previously been administered the blood thinner are advised to locate an experienced
Baxter heparin attorney who can offer a free legal consultation as to the development of a potential heparin class action lawsuit. Developing such litigation may offer monetary assistance to victims of the Heparin side effects and may help in paying for medical bills associated with the drug.

LegalView also offers several additional pharmaceutical practice areas on an array of topics ranging from Avandia and Byetta to the recent Chantix controversy. Both Avandia and Byetta are type 2 diabetes prescription medications, however, each drug has been in the news for different, yet severe side effects.

Avandia, from GlaxoSmithKline, uses an individual's natural insulin and regulates it in order to keep glucose on a normal and healthy level. However, the drug has been linked to severe risks including bone fractures among women, early onset osteoporosis and heart failure/damage among patients. Individuals who have suffered from the
Avandia side effects are advised to contact a pharmaceutical attorney in addition to their regular medical physician.

Byetta, similar to Avandia, is a type 2 diabetes prescription medication that was released in mid-2005. In 2007, the FDA began receiving reports from Byetta patients who were suffering from pancreatitis as an unintended side effect associated with consumption of the drug. Patients who suffered from these dangers should seek legal counsel from an experienced
Byetta law firm to learn more about the dangers associated with consumption of the medication.

An additional pharmaceutical prescription drug, which has sparked FDA investigations is that of Chantix, a smoking cessation drug that has been used by nearly 3 million Americans since its release in May 2006. At the end of 2007, however, hundreds of reports regarding dangerous side effects caused by the drug flooded the FDA offices. Chantix patients were allegedly developing conditions such as depression, mood disorders as well as suicidal tendencies and actions. There have allegedly been approximately 40 suicides linked to the use of Chantix, which is why it is imperative that smokers using the drug as an aid to quit smoking talk with their physician about alternative cessation methods. Additionally, it may be necessary for those individuals affected by the Chantix dangers to locate a pharmaceutical attorney for the potential development of a
Chantix lawsuit.

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