New York City 4/4/2011 10:36:35 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Early Stage Mesothelioma Detected in New Test

By Dawn Lee

Researchers at NYU Lagone Medical Center have developed a test to determine early stage mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer which attacks the lining of the lungs. In a study researchers identified a protein which is secreted from the cancerous tumors, according to Eureka News. They presented their findings at the American Association for Cancer Researcher 102nd Annual Meeting on Monday, April 4, 2011.

With sponsorship from the National Cancer Institute’s Early Detection Research Network Biomarker Discovery Lab researchers were able to detect first and second stage pleural mesothelioma in 15 out of 19 cases involved in the blind study. The protein test was developed to detect early stage mesothelioma which can patients a better chance of surviving the fatal disease.

According to lead researcher Dr. Harvey I. Pass, patients who develop malignant tumors respond to treatment if the asbestos-related cancer is detected in earlier stages. Patients who are found to have mesothelioma in later stages usually die within 14 months of diagnosis. When discovered early, patients assisted by mesothelioma attorneys can seek compensation for their treatment.

Mesothelioma kills an average of 15,000 people world-wide on an annual basis. People who are exposed to asbestos through their jobs in the construction industry and on naval ships can benefit financially by employing mesothelioma lawyers. In spite of being banned in the late 80’s, asbestos is still present in many structures and people will continue to contract the deadly cancer. Mesothelioma attorneys can file lawsuits for the affected persons to help with treatment and other related costs.