Irving 4/5/2011 3:06:10 AM
News / Internet

Epsilon gets Hacked and Numerous E-mail Addresses are Stolen

By Daun Lee

Epsilon an internet marketing company reported to its clients that hackers obtained the e-mail addresses of customers to several big businesses. Epsilon is used by Best Buy, Citi, JP Morgan Chase, Capital One, Tivo and Walgreens to e-mail clients about specials. Epsilon states that the hackers do not have access to financial information of their clients. The company is warning anyone who receives mail from these companies to not disclose personal information such as social security numbers or credit card numbers to people requesting this information through emails. You data could be used to access accounts and steal identity.

Having your identity stolen could have devastating effects to your credit. A person may not be aware of the identity theft until they try to stave off foreclosure by employing a foreclosure lawyer refinancing their mortgages. Identity theft can mean financial ruin and takes months to clear up. Since foreclosure and the need for a foreclosure attorney is so high right now an identity theft can be especially devastating and cause a person to lose their home.

Foreclosure is a major problem in the US today and will remain so until the economy can fully recover. Even though many companies try their best to protect their clients from identity theft, it is still a prevalent problem. Despite the reason a person faces foreclosure the best assurance they have for keeping their homes is by retaining a foreclosure lawyer.