Detroit 4/5/2011 3:55:35 AM
News / Law

ESPN Suspends Jalen Rose NBA Analyst

By Daun Lee

NBA analyst Jalen Rose was suspended after receiving a DUI in early March. The arrest occurred on March 11 in Michigan but Rose did not immediately inform his employers of the charge. He has been suspended from the airwaves until the matter is taken care of; he goes to court for the charge on April 20th.

In a statement Rose claimed he did not feel as though he was impaired when he was involved in a traffic accident with another vehicle. He agreed to a blood alcohol screening which subsequently showed he was driving above legal limit. There seems to be little doubt that numerous people who drive while impaired and retain DUI lawyers are caught in this manner. It actually takes less alcohol than most would think to be above the legal driving limit for blood alcohol content.

Lots of people who get impaired driving charges believe they are safe to drive. The hazards created by driving under the influence have created a policy of zero tolerance. Over the years the legal limit has been lowered in many states. A DUI charge requires a DUI attorney to assists the accused while in court. Tougher penalties and fines are levied against offenders because of the number of injuries and fatalities that follow in the wake of drunken driving. A DUI entails the loss of a driver’s license and incarceration. Employing a DUI lawyer can very possibly help reduce the steep fines and sentences.