Washington 4/6/2011 12:39:21 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Rep Paul Ryan Proposes Sweeping Changes to Medicare

By Daun Lee

House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin introduces his 2012 budget proposals which cut funding from Medicare and Medicaid. His proposals would require Medicare recipients to pay for private health insurance by 2022 with subsidies to help pay for the plans. The budget proposal also cuts finding to Medicaid and Unemployment benefits in addition to eliminating the Obama healthcare plan to provide insurance to all Americans. In total Ryan’s budget plan would cut 6.2 trillion from the federal deficit.

 Health insurance premiums have been steadily rising since 2007 and for many people their premiums consume 10 percent of their annual income, and don’t take into account co-pays or costs not covered by insurance. For Medicare recipients who suffer from debilitating diseases such as cancer or heart disease their ability to pay for care could be greatly diminished. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that commonly affects people over the age of 65. Their best option for medical care is by hiring a mesothelioma attorney.

People who are over 72 and Medicare recipients can contract an aggressive type of cancer called mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. Paying for care of this disease would be problematic under 2012 budget proposal unless they employ a mesothelioma lawyer to gain compensation. Because asbestos was used up until the late 80’s and takes decades to manifest, the elderly become victims of this asbestos–related cancer and must utilize mesothelioma attorneys to get them the money for care that the government may no longer pay for through Medicare.