New York City 4/6/2011 1:13:49 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Vermiculite plant workers at high risk of developing asbestos-related disease

By: Tanya Gonzalez

According to New York mesothelioma attorney Joseph W. Belluck, former employees of the Zonolite Company/W.R. Grace plant near Weedsport, New York and their families should get tested for asbestos-related diseases right away.

 A report by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry showed that people who worked at the plant were exposed to high levels of asbestos that exceed safety standards. Families can also be exposed to asbestos when workers come home with asbestos-filled clothing.

Asbestos is a mineral found in nature that can be very harmful to those who breathe in its fibers. The fibers become lodged in the lungs, leading to numerous diseases, such as mesothelioma cancer, which affects the lungs, heart and chest cavities.

Currently, there is no cure for mesothelioma but there are treatments available that may prolong the life expectancy of patients. Victims must seek help right away to opt for the best outcome, but the unfortunate reality is that many mesothelioma patients don’t realize they are sick until it’s too late.

“Unfortunately, the risk of developing mesothelioma from asbestos exposure is a lifetime risk,” said Belluck, a partner in Belluck & Fox LLP, a New York law firm that represents mesothelioma victims. “Former workers remain at risk of respiratory disease even though the plant has been closed for more than 20 years. Mesothelioma symptoms typically appear decades after workers inhaled asbestos fibers.”

The Zonolite plant operated from 1963 to 1989, when asbestos was still legally used. The plant heated vermiculite ore to expand it for use in manufacturing insulation and other building materials.

The Weedsport facility received approximately 148,000 ton shipments that contained asbestos from a mine in Libby, Montana. The manufacturing process, known as exfoliation, released asbestos fibers into the air, putting all workers at risk of inhaling it.

Unfortunately, the Zonolite plant was just one of dozens of companies like it that took shipments of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite.

If you or a loved one have worked at any of these types of plants, speak to a mesothelioma attorney  immediately for assistance. You may be entitled to thousands of dollars in benefits and medical care for your disease.

Mesothelioma lawyers investigate to find the source of their clients’ asbestos exposure and will ensure that those who are responsible are held accountable for their crimes. There are strict rules regarding the handling of asbestos, and those who violate them are breaking the law and subject to be penalized.

Your mesothelioma attorney will ensure that justice is brought to you and your loved ones and that you get optimal medical care. Call today to speak to a prominent mesothelioma lawyer near you to get started on your case.