Gainesville 4/6/2011 3:05:11 AM
News / Law

Former Gainesville MADD president arrested for DUI

By: Tayna Gonzalez

The former president of a defunct chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was arrested in Gainesville, Florida for DUI.

Debra Oberlin,48, was arrested on Feb. 18 just after 1:00 a.m. after she was unable to successfully pass a field sobriety test that was administered by police in Gainesville.

A police officer spotted Oberlin and reported that she was driving erratically, swerving between lanes.

When she was pulled over, the officer noted that he smelled alcohol on her person and that her eyes were watery, bloodshot and dilated.

According to the report, Oberlin admitted to having had four beers. Her blood alcohol content level was at 0.234 and 0.239, which is almost three times the legal limit in Florida.

The Gainesville's chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving was prominent during the early 1990s but closed in 1996 due to a lack of funding. Oberlin was the chapter president for three years.

Driving under the influence can lead to several accidents and fatalities. Depending on the state in which you live, a DUI can be given to someone who is either under the influence of alcohol alone or either alcohol or drugs.

It is important that those who choose to drink find a designated driver to take them home. Anyone who is caught drinking and driving is subject to numerous fines and penalties, such as having their license revoked, being ordered to install an interlock ignition device or even being sent to prison. If you have incurred a DUI infraction, speak to a DUI lawyer immediately to help you fight your case.

DUI attorneys know that sometimes, motorists are unfairly charged. Oftentimes, breathalyzers are not properly calibrated and other times, motorists are arrested on suspicion of DUI alone. Regardless of the reason for your arrest, rest assured that your DUI attorney will take care of your case and will do everything possible to make sure your charges are dropped or significantly lowered.

Without a DUI lawyer, you don’t stand much of a chance of winning your case. But when a top paralegal is representing you, they will investigate the incident, speak to police and witnesses and do everything possible to prevent you from being convicted.

Hurry, you only have about two weeks following the arrest to fight your case in court. Call today to set up an appointment with a team of experienced DUI lawyers in your area.