Cambridge 4/6/2011 3:11:25 AM
News / Law

New research concludes happy teens more likely to end up divorced

By: Tayna Gonzalez

According to a study by researchers in Britain, having a happy adolescence actually increases the chances of getting divorced during adulthood.

The study analyzed 2,776 people born in the United Kingdom in 1946. Teacher evaluations of these individuals at ages 13 and 15, describing their personalities, happiness levels and peer interactions were taken into account.

Of those who received positive ratings from the teachers, 20 percent were divorced at least once by the age of 53. Of those who received no positive ratings or just one, about 16 percent were divorced by that age.

"The explanation for this is not immediately obvious and warrants further investigation," said the report. "One possible factor might be that positive children have higher self-esteem or self-efficacy than their peers and are therefore more willing to leave a marriage if it is not meeting their needs."

The research was carried out by Felicia Huppert of the University of Cambridge's department of psychiatry and Marcus Richards from Britain's Medical Research Council.

While the percentage of divorce increased depending on the subjects’ adolescent experiences, teens that were happier were more likely to find satisfaction in their jobs, be more social and have better relationships with family and friends. These persons were also 60 percent less likely to develop mental disorders later in life.

"The benefits to individuals, families and to society of good mental health, positive relationships and satisfying work are likely to be substantial," said Huppert. "The findings support the view that even at this time of great financial hardship, policy-makers should prioritize the well-being of our children so they have the best possible start in life."

Couples who are seeking to divorce or legally separate can have the potential of entering into numerous arguments, even if the split is mutual. Anyone undergoing a divorce should solicit the help of a divorce lawyer to ensure that the process runs quickly and smoothly.

Divorce attorneys will ensure that each party gets their fair share in the settlement. They will help divide property, assets and debt and can even assist with child custody arrangements and child support. Divorce lawyers understand that both money and children are difficult subjects to agree upon, so they offer their help around the clock, always having the best interests of their clients and their children in mind.

Call today to schedule a consultation with a leading divorce attorney in your area to get started on your case.