Fort Lauderdale 4/7/2011 3:02:19 AM
News / Law

Teen Substance Abuse on the Rise

By: Daun Lee

Reuters reported that the use of drugs among American teen has steadily increases over the past three years. In contrast the rates had dropped every year for the previous ten years. The use of marijuana and ecstasy has risen and attitudes towards drinking have become relaxed. Between 2008 and 2010, the use of the part drug ecstasy increased by 4 percent, and the use of marijuana increased by 7 percent as reported by a study sponsored by the MetLife Foundation.

In another study conducted by the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study surveyed 2,500 students about their attitudes toward alcohol use and 45 percent of those students say non problem in heavily drinking on a daily basis. This rise can be attributed to social media and its relaxed attitudes towards drug use.

On our roads an estimated 3000 teenagers are injured or killed in accidents involving drunk drivers. There is a zero tolerance policy against teen age intoxicated driving so they are usually arrested on the spot making a DUI attorney imperative. Legal blood alcohol limits do not apply to teens.

The judicial system has tried to deter drunk and drugged driving by instating stiff penalties for those who break the law. To minimize these tough sentences the guilt should employ an experienced DUI lawyer to speak for them in the courts Still it occurs to a high degree and people charged with DUIs must retain a DUI lawyer to defend them in court.