New York City 4/7/2011 4:29:44 AM
News / Health & Wellness

New York City proposes to follow San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban

By: Daun Lee

As the American waistline continues to expand, concerns over the foods children eat are becoming hot issues. Last fall the city of San Francisco passed a bill that banned fast food meals targeted at children from containing toys to eliminate the lure of the high fat and high calorie foods. This week in New York one legislature wants to impose a similar ban on toys in fast food meals hoping it will make it less enticing for children. Representatives for McDonald’s stated that taken toys away from children won’t solve childhood obesity. The NY proposal would allow meals under 500 calories that met other nutritional guidelines to have included toys according to Time magazine.

The problem of obesity plagues the US but on the up side there are many people trying to lose weight by adopting sensible eating habits and exercising regularly. Encouraging children early on will also help cut down on obesity and possible lead to a nation with trimmer physiques.

Those who do exercise and have lost excess weight that are not obese still find themselves retaining fat. This is a frustration that can be lessened by liposuction. Certain areas of the body seem to hold onto fat like the buttocks and stomach in spite of the time devoted to reducing these areas. Liposuction, though not a substitute, can pinpoint the problem areas in a way that isn’t possible with exercise. Seeking out a liposuction doctor can tell you if you are a good candidate for the procedure.