Charleston 4/8/2011 1:08:16 AM
News / Law

Gamecock’s Stephen Garcia Suspended Indefinitely

By: Daun Lee

The South Carolina Gamecock’s indefinitely suspended their senior quarterback Stephen Garcia. This is the second time the player has been suspended, as reported by USA Today. USC’s athletic director, Eric Hyman, would not specify the reason Garcia was suspended, but the according to Charleston’s Post and Courier the player was asked to leave a leadership and life-skills function which prompted his suspension from the team. The Atlanta Journal & Constitution reported that the player smelled of alcohol. This is Garcia’s fifth suspension in his college football career.

The team’s coach, Steve Spurrier, and Garcia won’t publicly give a reason for the suspension. Spurrier has been quoted saying that “Stephen has exhibited behavior that is unacceptable for one of our student athletes.”

As football player Stephen sets an example for his fellow students and other youths and adults who are fans of the game. His behaviors could set a bad example for youths who admire his skills. Though Garcia has not had a DUI his fans may misperceive his actions and find drinking acceptable.

In the US, teens have become more lax in their attitudes towards alcohol and intoxicated driving among teens is a serious issue that necessitates a DUI attorney. Approximately 3000 teen drivers and many thousands of adults admit to driving while under the influence which requires a DUI lawyer to defend them in court. Teens and young adults are especially influential and will mirror the behaviors of their idols. With a DUI attorney the strict penalties of a drunken driving charge may be minimized and a valuable lesson learned.