Lake Tahoe 4/8/2011 3:19:23 AM
News / Law

Jaycee Dugard’s Captor Pleads Not Guilty

By: Daun Lee

The harrowing story of Jaycee Dugard captivated the nation, now her captor has pleaded not guilty in court, according to The New York Times. At age 11 in 1991 she was kidnapped from her Lake Tahoe home by Philip Garrido and held as his sex slave for 18 years. Jaycee had two daughters fathered by her captor and was rescued in 2009 from a California home. Garrido is a convicted sex offender that racked up charges and spent time in Leavenworth before abducting Jaycee. No real details of her ordeal have been made public but she has since been reunited with her family.

Sexual abuse and harassment is an all too common thing many men and women endure. Those who are raped or molested have a much harder time than those who are sexually harassed. The prevalence of sexual predators has led to national databases that tell parents where perpetrators are located. Instances of sexual abuse are treated as crimes but in the workplace sexual harassment is treated as a civil case tried by sexual harassment attorneys.

Even though sexual harassment isn’t as devastating as sexual abuses, the problem still affects a good a myriad of men and women in the workplace. By enlisting a sexual harassment lawyer the person who has been harassed can seek a settlement. Eliminating the problem from a workplace is the key purpose of a sexual harassment attorney and has made workplaces free of unwanted sexual advances and comments.