Washington 4/8/2011 10:53:56 PM
News / Law

Planned Parenthood Slows Down Budget Resolution

By: Daun Lee

The Feds have just hours to agree on a budget or non-essential services will be suspended. According to the Huffington Post, the thing holding a resolution back is Planned Parenthood which provides reproductive health services for women. The Republicans want to defund the program based on the abortion services they provide, which actually only amounts to 15 percent of their overall services. The Democrats refuse to allow cutting the program at this time.

Planned Parenthood has been the subject of the many budget debates over the months. For Republicans it is a moral issue over abortion. At least 85 percent of Planned Parenthood services are based in providing pap smears, screening for sexually transmitted diseases and birth control, a way to avoid abortion. Ignoring the necessary services they provide for women who don’t have health insurance is close to disregarding the rights of women.

Women have fought for their rights in the workplace and in society for many years and it has been a long battle. One front in which women have made strides is sexual harassment on the job. By employing sexual harassment attorneys women have seen their rights upheld in the workplace.

Sexual harassment on college campuses and on the job still exists, but the diligence of sexual harassment attorneys and their clients has made the workplace less hostile. Being able to work without objectification is important to sexual harassment attorneys and the many women that make up the workforce. Whittling away at basic health services geared towards women’s health like Planned Parenthood is a slippery slope downward to disrespect for women.