London 4/9/2011 1:03:31 AM
News / Law

Alcohol Consumption Linked to Increase of Cancer

By: Daun Lee

A study published in the British Medical Journal showed that consuming more than two alcoholic beverages a day for men and one a day for women increases a person’s risk for developing cancer. The study which involved eight European countries discovered that excessive alcohol consumption contributed to cancers in one out of 10 men and one out of 33 women. The common types of cancer caused but over indulgence are esophageal, pharynx, larynx and liver. 

The link alcohol has to cancer may be a little surprising but alcohol has other dangers, especially in respect to traffic accidents. Over- indulgence of alcohol leads to more fatalities and injuries on roads than any other factors.  Often times people who have been drinking feel they are fine to drive but soon realize they need a DUI lawyer.  More than 10 million people admit to driving while intoxicated.

In many states the minimum penalties for a DUI entails suspension of license, jail time and alcohol counseling. When facing a DUI charge the best defense is retaining a DUI attorney. With their expertise some of the tough penalties can be minimized. The alarming numbers of people who are involved in drunken driving accidents have forced the judicial system to treat offenders very harshly and police are always looking to catch inebriated drivers. Representation of a DUI lawyer is advisable for first time or repeat DUI recipients. It’s best to not drink too much especially if it contributes to cancer but many can’t resist.