Washington 4/9/2011 1:56:53 AM
News / Business

Big Corporations Often Don’t Pay Their Taxes and the Little Guy Suffers

By: Daun Lee

All the budget talks that are leading to the possible government shutdown are about cuts to spending. The drastic cuts being proposed are programs that are utilized by low income families like food stamps and Medicaid. The politicians aren’t discussing how to reduce the deficit by claiming the taxes owed to them by corporations that use loopholes and offshore accounts to avoid paying their taxes. The deficit hasn’t been caused by the individual or small businesses that avoid their tax bills, no it’s the corporations.

General Electric made a 5.2 billion dollar profit last year but somehow managed to get a 3.2 billion dollar refund. Other corporations including Bank of America and Verizon also made huge profits but paid no taxes and yet budget cuts funding for teachers and programs that help the unemployed reenter the workforce. Any individual or small business that didn’t pay their taxes would be hiring a tax lawyer to protect them from the IRS.

The tax code in the US has gotten so complicated that many people can’t begin to decipher it, this leads to mistakes. Any small mistake can lead to a big headache that makes a tax attorney their only option. When big business avoids their taxes the small business and individuals suffer by having the programs they paid into cut or eliminated.  Most of these people don’t avoid their taxes they just have too much financial burden forced on them that a tax lawyer must alleviate.