New York 4/9/2011 2:50:34 AM
News / Law

Independent Contractors and Overtime Pay Explained by IQ

IQ has updated its “jobs to watch” list, a compilation of employees commonly denied overtime pay in violation of federal law, to include independent contractors. While true independent contractors are not entitled to overtime pay, employees who have been misclassified as independent contractors may be suffering a loss in overtime wages, which are paid at 1.5 times the worker’s regular rate. Because some employers may misclassify employees as independent contractors to avoid paying overtime, the overtime lawyers working with IQ are offering a free case review to all employees who suspect they have been denied overtime pay after being misclassified as an independent contractor. To receive your no cost, no obligation case evaluation, visit and complete the immediate case review form. 

Also known as contract laborers, independent contractors are not entitled to overtime pay; however, to be a true independent contractor, the individual must meet a certain set of criteria. To determine if an employee is an independent contractor or employee, the following factors will be taken into consideration: the amount of control the employer has over the individual, the permanency of the relationship, and the skill and effort required by the position. For instance, an individual is likely considered an employee under overtime law, and not an independent contractor, if the employer provides training and necessary tools; requires the individual to work at the employer’s workplace or another designated location; pays by the hour rather than by the project; and dictates how, when and where work is performed. 

Workers who suspect they have been misclassified as independent contractors may have legal recourse. Visit IQ to learn more about independent contractors and overtime law and to receive a free evaluation of your claim. The overtime attorneys working with the site are providing this online case review at no cost and remain committed to workers who have been misclassified as independent contractors. 

About IQ Overtime was established to provide legal help and information for workers who have been denied overtime compensation. Comprehensive resources for workers are available on this site, including informational articles, an overtime calculator, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of state overtime laws. If you have been denied overtime pay, get the legal help you need today. Visit and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.