Washington 4/11/2011 10:25:16 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Some Lung Cancer Patients Smoke after Diagnosis

By: Daun Lee

A study conducted by the National Cancer Institute has found that some patients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer continue to smoke. The study found that at least 20 percent of those who contract lung cancer are still lighting up, according to US News. Most of these patients feel as though they are already have the disease, so why quit? Continuing to smoke does make a difference. Quitting the smoking habit after diagnosis can help a patient live longer. Smoking with lung cancer can lead to the development of other cancers and interfere with treatment.

Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer in people. Even though smoking isn’t a direct cause of a very aggressive form of lung cancer called mesothelioma, but can make the disease worse or possibly negatively affect treatment.

Mesothelioma, which causes tumor to grow on the lining of the lungs and potentially the heart, is caused by direct exposure to asbestos. Even people who come into secondary contact, through clothing or particles that linger on the person working with asbestos, are at risk for developing mesothelioma. The care of mesothelioma can be costly so retaining a mesothelioma lawyers can be an aid to these patients.

Despite the ban of uncontrolled use of asbestos, many structures still contain the toxic mineral and asbestos attorneys work for people who have been exposed. The average age of the asbestos victims is about 72, the disease takes decades to manifest. Mesothelioma patients can use the experience of a mesothelioma lawyer to gain compensation from companies that used asbestos.